Fundamentals of Software Development

Recognize appropriate programming constructs utilized in the building, testing, and debugging of software programs

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Identify the Fundamentals of Programming and Software Development

In this objective, you will be presented with general aspects of software development, core programming concepts such as how computers store information using data, structures, and how algorithms are used to solve real-world problems in a computer application. Other core programming concepts are covered, in addition to showing how to use decision structures and repetition in programs, plus a discussion on programming errors.


Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented programming is a programming technique that makes use of objects. Objects are self-contained data structures that consist of properties, methods, and events. Properties specify the data represented by an object, methods specify an object, behavior, and events provide communication between objects. Within the software environment, an object stores its state in fields and exposes its behavior through methods. When a method is invoked on an object, you get a well-defined functionality without the need to worry about the inner complexity of the object or the method itself. This concept of hiding complexity is called encapsulation, and it is one of many features of objected-oriented programming that you‚ will learn more about in this Objective.Note that this course focuses on Microsoft‚ C# software programming language. In other Microsoft languages such as C++ or in non-Microsoft Object Oriented Programming (OOP), terms and functions may be different.


Identify Key Components and Structures of Web Development

A web page is a document that is served over the World Wide Web (WWW) and can be displayed by a Web browser. Web pages are developed using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and are stored on a web server. Web browsers download the requested HTML from the web server and render it on the user's screen.A web page is a simple text file that contains not only text, but also a set of HTML tags that describe how the text should be formatted when a browser displays it on the screen. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A "markup language" is a computer language that describes how a page should be formatted. In this course, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript will be examined. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are all executed on the client-side within a web browser.A web browser knows how to go to a web server on the Internet and request a page, so that the browser can pull the page through the network and into your machine. A web browser knows how to interpret the set of HTML tags within the page in order to display the page on your screen as the page's creator intended it to be viewed. A web server is a piece of computer software that can respond to a browser's request for a page, and deliver the page to the Web browser through the Internet. HTTP is the underlying communication protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP provides the common language that web servers and web


Identify Critical Components of Database Systems

A database allows you to store, maintain, and retrieve important data. If a database is properly designed, it can be used by multiple applications and by multiple users. A database management system (DBMS), on the other hand, is software that organizes databases and provides features such as storage, data access, security, backup, etc. Examples of popular DBMSs include Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, and MySql.Database management systems can be implemented based on different models. Of these models, the relational model is most popular. In the relational model, data is organized into tables, each of which can have multiple rows. DBMSs based on relational models are called relational DBMSs (RDBMSs). SQL Server, Access, Oracle, and MySql are all RDBMSs.Other database management systems are based on different models. For example, object DBMSs (ODBMSs) are based on the object model, in which data is stored as a collection of objects. In this competency, however, we will focus solely on the more popular relational databases.Relational DBMSs use Structured Query Language (SQL) to retrieve and manipulate data. Most popular relational database management systems provide some support for the standardized version of SQL, thereby allowing you to use your skills across different relational database systems.


Define Various Desktop Applications

This objective discusses how to develop desktop applications. These are applications that run locally on the user’s computer. This objective focuses on three different types of applications:1. Windows applications. 2. Console-based applications. 3. Windows services.The Windows Designer uses drag and drop controls from the Toolbox. The lessons in this objective address how to modify properties and attach event-handlers. Visual inheritance allows existing functionality and layout for Windows Forms to be reused. This objective will address how a multiple document interface (MDI) application looks and behaves versus a Single Document Interface (SDI) application. A console-based application is run from the console window. The input to this application can be provided using command-line parameters, or the application can interactively read characters from the console window. Similarly, the output of a console application is written to the command window as well.Finally, Windows services are ideal for creating long-running applications that run in the background and do not have a user interface. The ServiceBase class provides common functionality. Because a Windows service is capable of running in the background, it does not need a logged-on user in order to function. Windows services will run in their own Windows session in the

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