This domain contains
subdomains and contains
equivalent credits
The Bachelors of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) contains 3 domains, 7 subdomains and has the equivalency of # of credits
Demonstrate an understanding of computer systems architecture.
Recognize appropriate programming constructs utilized in the building, testing, and debugging of software programs
Utilized industry best practices to manage and organize organization data and information.
Design an information technology solution for an enterprise-wide organizational need
Develop and deploy an effective mobile based program for the web and mobile devices
Utilize web development foundations and standards in the design, development and deployment of interactive web content
Troubleshoot and utilize modern operating systems in a variety of business settings
Demonstrate an understanding of information system security, applications, and the tools used.
Demonstrate an understanding of systems analysis and design, applications and tools used
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of team dynamics to organizational effectiveness, productivity, and communication within an organization
Demonstrate an understanding of project management, applications and tools used