Develop an understanding of the role of operations management in business.
Included with BBA Full Access
Included with BSIT Full Access
We are currently reviewing underlying agreements with the content developers responsible for this course. Currently, this Competency is not available.
Develop an understanding of production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.
Develop an understanding of the tools used to implement continuous process improvement (e.g., benchmarking systems, process mapping, process costing, maturity models, capability maturity model, contract management maturity model, process improvement metrics, process improvement methods, and supplier workshops) in accordance with organizational objectives.
Develop an understanding of optimization and resource management tools (e.g., inventory control, scheduling, TQP, and MRP).
Bring your institution and students quality, job-focused, and flexible program options
Included with BBA Access
Bring your institution and students quality, job-focused, and flexible program options
Included with BSIT Full Access