Develop an understanding of the impact a diverse workforce can have on an organization.
Included with BBA Full Access
Included with BSIT Full Access
We are currently reviewing underlying agreements with the content developers responsible for this course. Currently, this Competency is not available.
Identify the different types ofdiversity (e.g. religion, capabilitiesand disabilities, socioeconomicbackground, sexual orientation,generations, gender cultures, andinstitutional “isms”).
Explain how workforce diversity andinclusion creates value (e.g. attractingnew customers, new lines of business,new product development,organizational goodwill andcommunity engagement).
Identify discrimination laws andcompliance regulations (e.g. sexualharassment, ADA, gender, sexualorientation, age, and culture).
Describe how to compare and analyzediversity policies and practices thatlead to positive organizational impactand legal risk mitigation.
Bring your institution and students quality, job-focused, and flexible program options
Included with BBA Access
Bring your institution and students quality, job-focused, and flexible program options
Included with BSIT Full Access